SRUK is dedicated to improving the lives of people with Scleroderma and Raynaud's Phenomenon.

Our mission is to improve the lives of everyone affected by Scleroderma and Raynaud's. We do this by investing in research, improving awareness and understanding of the conditions and providing information and support to all those affected.

Every February is SRUK's Raynaud’s Awareness Month, and our mission is simple. We want to help more people to understand Raynaud's, know the risks, and access reliable support from SRUK. This year, we are calling on the public to take our online test and #BePartOfTheAnswer, and we need your help! 

Simply asking your friends and family to take a minute to take the test, and sharing the link across your own networks will help more people find out if they could have Raynaud's, and if they might be at risk of an underlying condition like scleroderma. If the results reveal that someone might have Raynaud's, they will be offered more information, and invited to #BePartOfTheAnswer by taking part in our anonymous, citizen science study that will ultimately help us to better understand these conditions. 

Our initial target was to reach 10,000 people, but today. over 31,000 people have taken the test since our campaign launched last November. For astounding 93% of participants, results that indicated they could have Raynaud's and should find out more. One in five even had signs of digital ulcers, that are more likely to suggest secondary Raynaud's caused by an underlying health condition. 

You can read our news release here.

Catch Up With A Cuppa

Raise funds and increase awareness by asking family, friends, neighbours or colleagues for tea and cake, or talking to others next time you go for coffee. 

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Watch this short video to find out more about the signs and symptoms of Raynaud's 

Want to know about scleroderma? This short video will tell you more