Find out what makes Sian happy

Sian is busy making her wedding plans

Wedding News...

Hi everyone,

Hope you have all been managing during our recent heatwave and although it has been very hot at times I so much prefer this weather to the cold, winter days and have been trying to enjoy it as much as possible

My fiance Simon and I have also decided it's time to organise our wedding as we couldn't last year due to a lot of house refurbishment work being done, therefore now seems a good time. I've been so excited. We've looked at a couple of venues, had quotes, prices and availability and so now we're really deciding where and when! Its all really happening.

I've made a few lists of everything we need to do as I don't want to feel too over-whelmed by everything which can affect my anxiety issues, although I am very fortunate to have my mum and close friends at hand should I need any help..

Tomorrow we're phoning the venues and registry office to confirm dates and then we'll take it from there.

I have a good idea of the style/colour of my dress, hair style/makeup, how I want everything to look, flowers, tables settings/colours, invitations etc, so I feel quite in control at the moment, however not sure how long that will last.

We've decided it will be an intimate wedding with family and close friends and would also love to include our dogs Eddy & Molly but obviously this won't be very practical so perhaps they can come along on our honeymoon.

Will keep in touch and let you know how things progress but for now hope you can all keep your fingers crossed and wish me luck.

Bye for now

Sian xx