How we’re raising awareness in 2019

Read all about our two annual awareness campaigns in 2019. February's Raynaud's Awareness Month was a massive success, and we need your help to help us make as big a splash in June!

Raynaud's Awareness Month

For Raynaud's Awareness Month in February, we called on everyone to get to #KnowRaynauds by taking our online test in order to create greater awareness and understanding of the condition. We wanted to reach even more people and all our efforts have been rewarded, as we have had a much bigger impact this year than ever before! Since February, over 25,000 people have taken our online Raynaud's test, with more than 2,000 at once during a segment on BBC Breakfast where we talked about the test. That's in comparison to just under 6,000 in 2018, which is a truly phenomenal increase of 263%.

Nearly 8,000 members of our community engaged with the campaign across Social Media. Our press and PR coverage reached over 75 million people through various broadcast channels, including radio, press and magazines.

Broadcast & Press - 75,000,000 reach

The 5th of February was a very busy day for SRUK's Chief Executive Sue Farrington with an interview on BBC Breakfast. We also had interviews with 24 local radio stations. We also had coverage in the Mirror, Daily Mail and other media publications.

Online - 606,533 reach on our own channels

Many of you will have seen us kick of the month with a brand new animation showing the impact that Raynaud's can have on your day-to-day life, and promoting the online test. This gave us a fantastic start to the month with over 40,000 views across all our different channels.

Cosy Up with a Coffee

We also managed to raise over £2,500 through all the events that you held throughout the month to cosy up with your friends and family for a coffee morning. We'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone that took part!

Scleroderma Awareness Month

In June, we'll be promoting the signs and symptoms of scleroderma using the #KnowScleroderma hashtag.

Do You #KnowScleroderma?

19,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with scleroderma.

Over 5,000 waited 3 years or more for a diagnosis.

We've produced a new animation to help spread the word.

Support #KnowScleroderma by sharing to help raise awareness.

World Scleroderma Day

Towards the tail-end of Scleroderma Awareness Month, we will celebrate World Scleroderma Day on the 29th June. This is a day where we unite across the globe to celebrate our inspirational community.

We've worked with the Federation of European Scleroderma Associations (FESCA) to drive awareness of this condition throughout the continent and beyond.


Our campaign aims to create greater awareness and understanding about the condition.

Find out about the symptoms and what you can do if you're worried.

Support #KnowScleroderma and fundraise

We're asking that this summer when you organise a picnic with family, friends and colleagues that you do it to help take a step towards a cure for Scleroderma and Raynaud's.

New research finds 48% of people with scleroderma are not confident their GP knows enough about scleroderma. Help raise awareness by telling your story.

Find out what is happening for World Scleroderma Day on 29 June, what you can do to help and the impact from the campaign so far.

Research saves lives

To date we've invested over £10 million into research but need your help. Scleroderma is still taking the lives of loved ones. Will you help us beat scleroderma? #KnowScleroderma, donate and fundraise to make a difference.