#KnowRaynauds Media Pack

Have a look at how to get involved in #KnowRaynauds and Raynaud's Awareness Month

Information for the media, supporting organisations and individuals.

This winter the UK is set to be severely cold, making life hard for the millions of people with the health conditions of Raynaud's and Scleroderma. Many of us take for granted that the symptoms of chilly hands or cold feet will disappear once spring arrives, but that's not the case for many people with Raynaud's.

A trip down the frozen aisle of the supermarket or sitting in an air-conditioned office anytime of the year, can trigger a painful attack for up to 1 in 6 people in the UK, with the condition.

Raynaud's is a condition that affects the blood supply in the body's extremities – usually the fingers and toes - and many people living with the condition will regularly experience colour changes to the affected area, pain and discomfort.

If you often have cold hands or feet, or know someone who has, support the campaign and by taking the Raynaud's test.

So, you want to help? Brilliant

Below you'll find some resources you can use to help you write a feature about the condition and get the facts right. We also have some fantastic imagery, assets, infographics and supporting videos to tell you about facts and stats around Raynaud's and what sort of information is available.

If you are an organisation wanting to promote the campaign on your social media promote in your E-Newsletters and websites, these assets are also for you.

Media features

If you would like to run a media feature here's what you can do below but feel free to contact us for a more personal discussion.

  • Please mention these 3 things:
    • Signs and symptoms of Raynaud's - #KnowRaynaud's
    • Take the test to see if you may have it
    • Sign post people to our website for further information
  • Download our PRESS RELEASE and all the supporting information below.
  • If you would like a personal case study to enhance your article, please contact tracey.spray@sruk.co.uk with your enquiry and we'll do our best to give you a local case.
  • Use our infographics to highlight facts in your feature, show people what the condition looks like and drive people to take the Raynaud's test here.
  • If you have the digital means, link people to finding out more information on Raynaud's otherwise guide people to our website www.sruk.co.uk
  • Embed one of our videos from You Tube such as Dr Francesco del Galdo explaining areas such as 'What is Raynaud's'? to engage your readers further.
  • Use some of our imagery showing people there are ways to keep warm and products out there to assist them at srukshop.co.uk
  • Ask your Twitter followers to share their stories of how Raynaud's first affected them, using #firstflare. Here is some more information on what how we're involving our community.
  • Message @WeAreSRUK with the tweet “We are supporting #KnowRaynauds"

If you are a supporter or an organisation

  • You can do most of the above if you wish.
  • There are posters and flyers promoting the campaign which you can print out and post up on a wall in your canteen, communal space or for example in a doctor's surgery to inform people about the symptoms of Raynaud's.
  • Use the introduction text to add to your website.
  • Why not fundraise for us over the month, find out about Cosy Up with a Coffee.
  • You can also read up on what else we're doing for Raynaud's Awareness Month.
  • Also keep an eye on our Facebook page and @WeAreSRUK Twitter for up-to-date news.

Thank you for spending the time and effort supporting us in this way, we are grateful to you. Should you need any further information, support, imagery or just a chat about it all, please contact us at info@sruk.co.uk or call 0207 000 1925.