Meet #TeamSRUK for the London Landmarks Half Marathon 2019

This is the first year SRUK are taking part of the London Landmarks Half Marathon and here are our 10 runners

This year will be our first year as part of the London Landmarks Half Marathon event, meet our team of 10 who will be taking to the streets of London on the 24th of March to helps raise awareness and funds for SRUK.

Julie and James

Meet Julie and James, they have been fundraising since late last year via a number of different and creative events such as a park excersise class, lunches and bake sales. They are both keen runners and are continuing their fundraising by taking part in this years LLMHM.

'We are running London Landmarks to raise money for SRUK because of our daughter Isla has recently been diagnosed with systemic sclerosis. Isla is 11 years so it's important to keep supporting SRUK with their support & research.'

You can see their just giving page here:


Meet Leslie, who not a natural runner is pushing herself all in a bid to raise funds and awareness for SRUK, she said

'I'm running London Landmarks in memory of my dear dad, Norm, who we lost to Scleroderma when he was just 48 years old. In the lead up to my 48th birthday this year, I want to honour his memory by helping to fund research into this devastating disease. We know a lot more about it now than when he got his diagnosis, but there is still so much more to learn'.

She has been hosting quiz night and bake sales in a bid to raise awarness

You can see her just giving page below:


Meet Carissa, she is a keen runner, swimmer and cyclist. This will be her second half marathon and she is running in memory of her grandmother, who lived with the condition, both to help raise awareness and money for SRUK.

You can see her just giving page here:

Alex and James

Meet the Duncombe brothers running on behalf their step mother Wendy who is living with Scleroderma, they will be taking on the half marathon this Sunday hoping that their training and natural fitness will see them through, we are keeping our fingers crossed for them! You can check out Alex's just giving page below:


Meet Prerana, she is a member of the SRUK family working as our Research and Services Officer. She works closely with members of our community and was so inspired by their stories that she decided to run her very first half marathon.

You can see her just giving page here:

Also running will be Aimee, who will be taking part in memory of her Aunt Shelia who passed away last year, it will be her first run in over 18 years, which is equally exciting and inspiring, you can see her Just Giving page here.

Nikhita who is running the event for a close family member. And Laura all of who are a little camera shy! Together the 10 runners make up #TeamSRUK! We are so proud of all our runners, not only is their fundraising essential to enable us to support those living with Scleroderma and Raynaud's but by taking part on Sunday and wearing the SRUK vests they are helping raise awareness in ensuring that we have a place in one of London's top running events. We wish them the very best of luck and we will be cheering them all on this Sunday and keeping our fingers crossed that the weather holds!