SRUK visit to Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow

Dr Elaine Morrison, Consultant Rheumatologist, along with the clinical team at the QEUH, invited SRUK to visit their Connective Tissue Clinic on Friday 26th May 2017.

Dr Elaine Morrison, Consultant Rheumatologist, along with the clinical team at the QEUH, invited SRUK to visit their Connective Tissue Clinic on Friday 26th May.

Dr Morrison said 'We work with our patients to improve all aspects of their condition and we invited SRUK to further assist them in self-management and introduce them to another channel where they can find trusted information and support they may need, outside of the clinical care we provide.'

Fiona from SRUK attended the day and gave out information leaflets and products that assisted those diagnosed with both Scleroderma and Raynaud's.

15 people came to visit our information stand at the QEUH, it was great to chat with them and to have the chance to introduce the charity. We touched upon the research we fund as well as how we support those living with Scleroderma and Raynaud's. Everyone was pleased to hear that such an organisation exists, and were enthusiastic about joining the SRUK community. The group also enjoyed the opportunity to meet other people with Scleroderma, enjoying getting to know each other over a cup of tea and one of Dr Fraser's home-baked treats"