Trust me I'm a Doctor

BBC 2' Trust Me I'm a Doctor will be featuring the Raynaud's condition

Last summer we worked with the BBC to feature Raynaud's on the new series of BBC 2's 'Trust Me, I'm a Doctor'.

The episode featuring the SRUK mobile clinic and Raynaud's was on air on Wednesday 17th January 2017 at 8.30pm. Dr Zoe Williams discussed the signs and symptoms of Raynaud's and what to do if you think you may have symptoms. Watch the episode of Trust Me I'm A Doctor on iPlayer.

This episode is the first time Raynaud's has been featured and discussed on the BBC, so we are delighted to have worked with the 'Trust Me, I'm a Doctor' team to make this happen.

It was our first ever mobile clinic held in Leeds City Centre that captured the attention of the BBC and led to a full day of filming on site in Leeds. Dr. Zoe Williams spoke with lead clinician Dr. Francesco Del Galdo and underwent Raynaud's diagnostic tests to understand more about the condition.

Find out more about the symptoms of Raynaud's and get peer to peer support on the condition on our Facebook page.

Dr. Francesco Del Galdo talks below on the difference between Primary and Secondary Raynaud's below.

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