June is Scleroderma Awareness Month

It's never too late to take action with us! We need your help to raise awareness and understanding of scleroderma, with the public and amongst healthcare professionals. We can't do this without you, and there are lots of ways to get involved.

Take action, together

This year, we are calling on our community to #takeaction with us to help raise awareness. There are many ways to get involved, and you don't even have to leave home to make an impact. 

  • Share your story

What does scleroderma mean for you? What do you think people need to understand? 

Sharing real stories about how this little-known condition affects everyday life helps to break down barriers and increase understanding. Your words could encourage someone to seek a diagnosis sooner, and you can remain anonymous if you prefer. We know that family and friends are also part of the journey, so adding their voices to this vital conversation helps to spread the message even further.

To find out more, please click here or contact us.

  • Social media

You can take action simply by sharing our posts on Facebook, Instagram and X. We will be working hard to increase awareness and understanding across all our platforms, and we need your help to reach as many people as possible.

You can also create your own post about scleroderma this June, but please don't forget to tag #SRUK and include our campaign hashtags #sclerodermaawareness and #takeaction. Find us by searching /wearesruk

  • Help us campaign for change 

Rising energy prices mean that many of our community are still struggling to keep warm, and we will continue our campaign for recognition and support. You can get involved by writing to your MP and to your energy supplier, to let them know that our community still needs their support. 

  • Share our resources

Sharing our messages about scleroderma helps raise awareness, and we have put together an essential toolkit with everything you need to spread the word this summer. These resources have been designed to help people realise what scleroderma is and what it means, and to help you when talking to loved ones, schools and employers about the condition. To get started, please click here.

  • Keep in touch!

Every action makes a difference. Whatever you can do this Scleroderma Awareness Month, from organising your own SRUK Walk to sharing our social media posts, we would love to hear from you.

  • Remember a loved one and raise awareness

Share a special message on our Scleroderma Awareness Month dedication page. Every memory helps continue the fight in raising awareness about scleroderma. Please click here to find out more.


    Walk together for Scleroderma and Raynaud's

    Take on The SRUK Walk in your own way, however you want. Walking with us helps to raise funds and start vital conversations around scleroderma and its impact. Every step makes a difference.