Leaving a gift in your will
A gift in your will is a meaningful way to help shape the future for people living with Scleroderma and Raynaud's. Thank you so much for considering leaving a gift in your will to SRUK.
Gifts in wills
We understand that choosing to leave a gift in your will is an important decision and we truly appreciate you taking the time to consider supporting the charity in this special way. Over half of all adults in the UK have not written a will; having a valid will is the best way of ensuring that your wishes are met, and that your loved ones and causes you care about are looked after.
A gift in your will would make a lasting difference to support our community and fund vital research which is so badly needed – with your support we can realise our vision where no-one has their life limited by Scleroderma and Raynaud’s. We are a small charity with limited funds and rely solely on the generosity of our supporters, we do nor receive Government funding, meaning your support is extremely important for us to continue our work.
Write your Will for Free
SRUK has partnered with Bequeathed to help you with the difficult decisions and make a lasting impact. Bequeathed is a trusted organisation that helps supporters like you create your Will For Good.
With our Free Will initiative, you can leave a legacy gift to SRUK to ensure we can continue our vital work and positive impact.
Simply visit Bequeathed to begin your journey. In 3 easy steps you can create your Will For Good.
1. Take the online will interview. Bequeathed will support and guide you through the process and create your will based on your answers.
2. Attend a 30-minute appointment with a legal professional to discuss your situation and requirements, ensuring the will fully caters for all your needs.
3. Receive your free will in the post, sign it and have it witnessed. Return it to the legal firm found by Bequeathed, who will then check it has been executed correctly.
Watch our video to find out more about leaving a gift in your will to SRUK
What type of gift can I leave?
There are three main types of gifts you can choose to leave in your will:
A residuary gift is a percentage of the remainder of your estate once your loved ones have been provided for and any debts or expenses have been deducted. You can choose to leave the total residue to one beneficiary or share the total between a number of beneficiaries.
A pecuniary gift is a specified sum of money of your choosing.
A specific gift is a particular item, such as property, a piece of jewellery or an antique.
Shirley is leaving a gift to SRUK in her will.
Shirley’s legacy offers hope for the future and will enable us to continue providing ongoing support for people currently living with Scleroderma and Raynaud’s.
“I have left a legacy to SRUK in my will as I believe that we have to support the work that is being done by the scientists and researchers to find out what causes this horrible autoimmune condition. We need to support SRUK closer to home, the workers and volunteers on the end of the phone helping people with day-to-day problems and supporting those newly diagnosed.
I hope that other supporters will leave legacies in their wills for SRUK, so that the work being done at present will progress. We definitely need to raise awareness, especially among medical professionals. Research is very costly, and donations are the main source of income for SRUK. If we could find the cause of [scleroderma], maybe we could prevent it happening in the first place.”
Writing your will
When writing or updating your will, we always suggest you engage a solicitor or will writing professional to help you through the process and ensure your wishes are met. If you are planning to leave a gift in your will to SRUK, you need to include the following information:
Registered name: Scleroderma and Raynaud’s UK
Address: 18-20 Bride Lane, London, EC4Y 8EE
Registered charity number: 1161828
SRUK Gifts in wills brochure
A message from Lorna, 85
I decided to leave a gift to SRUK a few years after I was diagnosed with Scleroderma. My decision was easy when I found out that research projects sponsored by the charity were are carefully monitored and reported to the community. As a small charity, funds are limited and it relies entirely on donations, fundraising and legacies.
Since joining the charity I have met others with Scleroderma and Raynaud’s, and it has helped me to understand the complexities of the conditions. I know that there is somebody always available to help and give support. To me, SRUK feels like family.
By leaving a gift in my will, I know that my money will go towards continued research and support for individuals diagnosed with Scleroderma and Raynaud’s.
Contact us
If you are planning to leave a gift in your will to SRUK, we would love the opportunity to say thank you. And should you have any questions or require further information please email legacies@sruk.co.uk or call 020 3893 5998.
SRUK was formed in March 2016 when two existing charities merged: The Scleroderma Society and the Raynaud's and Scleroderma Association. If you have already left a gift in your will to either of these two charities, you do not need to make any changes to your will. The two charities remain registered but are not operational, which means when your gift is received, it will automatically pass to SRUK.
Keri de Souza's gift
Keri de Souza has kindly left a gift in her will to SRUK, inspired by her mother, Lucinda de Souza, who also remembered us in her will.
“One of the abiding images I have of my mother is her cooking wearing fingerless gloves. She tried to carry on doing the things she loved (she was an excellent cook), but I know that she suffered so much from the effect of Raynaud’s on her hands and fingers. She left a legacy to SRUK, and I decided to do the same in her memory”.
Keri and Lucinda’s generous gifts will help fund vital research to offer hope for the future as well as providing support to other people currently living with Scleroderma and Raynaud’s.
Have you already left SRUK a gift in your will?
Let us know if you're planning to leave us a gift in your will! Fill out the form below or email us at fundraising@sruk.co.uk