You may have Raynaud's
Also, because you answered that you have developed sores/ulcers on your fingers or toes, we would recommend you visit your doctor to rule out an underlying health problem.
Raynaud's is a common condition affecting around 1 in 6 people. In people who have Raynaud's, the small blood vessels in the extremities are over-sensitive to changes in temperature or stress. This causes a Raynaud's attack where the fingers change colour typically white, blue, or red. Raynaud's symptoms generally affect the fingers and toes, but all extremities can be involved, including the ears, nose, lips, tongue and nipples.
The majority of people with Raynaud's symptoms have ‘Primary Raynaud's phenomenon' which can be intrusive but should not cause any lasting damage to the fingers. A minority of people experiencing Raynaud's have an underlying health condition causing these symptoms, which is called ‘Secondary Raynaud's phenomenon'. This can be more serious and there are tests to identify people who might have secondary Raynaud's.
You should also see your doctor if you ever:
- have swollen fingers and acid reflux / heartburn
- also have joint pain, skin rashes or muscle weakness
- only have symptoms on one side of your body
- are over 30 and getting symptoms of Raynaud's for the first time
Get more information
Download your Raynaud's information pack with further information on the condition, managing at home and treatments.
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Disclaimer - The Test cannot be used as medical advice, see your doctor if you are concerned about your health. The Test can help you better understand your symptoms, and what might be important to tell your doctor.