Thursday 6th June 2019

Innovations in the assessment of Raynaud’s Phenomenon

Despite the similarity of initial symptoms in primary Raynaud’s phenomenon (PRP) and secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon (SRP), the long-term implications of SRP mean that it is critical for there to be more effective assessments that can accurately specify which of the two a person may have.

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Tuesday 4th June 2019

Hand-arm vibration syndrome: the importance of protecting yourself in the workplace

Prolonged exposure to hand-transmitted vibration (HTV) can result in hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS). When associated with secondary Raynaud’s, this is called vibration white finger, where there is damage to nerves, blood vessels and joints in the hand.

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Friday 31st May 2019

New internal regulator of the immune system discovered in an SRUK-funded study

SRUK are thrilled to see the results of an investigation, undertaken by an international team of researchers and clinicians, where there has been the identification of a new internal regulator which helps to control the body’s immune response.

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Friday 24th May 2019

Boehringer Ingelheim publish new data on experimental ILD drug

Approximately 25% of people who live with systemic sclerosis (SSc) also develop significant pulmonary (lung) involvement within 3 years of diagnosis. Nintedanib could make a considerable difference to the lives of people with this rare and often life-threatening disease.

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Thursday 23rd May 2019

6 tips for self-management

Self-management is what an individual can do to manage their condition and to help maintain their wellbeing. How this is approached will differ from person to person, but fundamentally it revolves around making decisions to support a healthy lifestyle, whilst recognising the physical and emotional effects the disease can have.

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Tuesday 21st May 2019

Hannah’s Story of Localised Scleroderma

Here's Hannah's story of how overlapping diagnoses of lichen sclerosis, localised scleroderma, hypermobility, fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome changed her life forever.

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Thursday 16th May 2019

Meet the Scientist - Professor John Pauling

Here is some insight into John Pauling, Consultant Rheumatologist at the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology.

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Tuesday 14th May 2019

Ex-professional footballer Travis Munn talks about his cutting-edge treatment

Travis Munn, ex-professional footballer for Mansfield Town and Boston United, shares his experience of systemic scleroderma after his symptoms forced him to give up his sporting career.

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Tuesday 7th May 2019

Jane Potter's Story

Read Jane Potter's story of using exercise and her love of sport to fight back against her Raynaud's symptoms.

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Thursday 2nd May 2019

Can exercise help me?

Here at SRUK, we are strong advocates of people living with Raynaud’s and scleroderma continuing to do the things they enjoy; the benefits of exercise are countless for both physical health as well as mental health.

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