Friday 30th June 2017

New prescription charges coalition report

A third of people living with long-term conditions and currently paying prescription charges have not collected their prescriptions due to concerns over cost, according to a new report released 29 June 2017 by the Prescription Charges Coalition, a coalition of over 40 major health charities.

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Monday 26th June 2017

Find out what makes Sian happy

Sian is busy making her wedding plans

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Wednesday 21st June 2017

First Raynaud's test clinic to launch in Leeds

A pioneering new mobile testing clinic will allow Leeds residents to undergo screening for two little-known conditions.

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Friday 9th June 2017

9 questions you may have about scleroderma

Some key facts you may want to know about scleroderma

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Wednesday 7th June 2017

SRUK visit to Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow

Dr Elaine Morrison, Consultant Rheumatologist, along with the clinical team at the QEUH, invited SRUK to visit their Connective Tissue Clinic on Friday 26th May 2017.

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Thursday 1st June 2017

Scleroderma will not take my smile - Facts to know about the mouth

Find out more about the conditions of the mouth and scleroderma

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Thursday 1st June 2017

9 questions everyone newly diagnosed has

Find out the answers to questions you may have on scleroderma

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Tuesday 30th May 2017

Sian describes her scleroderma pain through poetry

For this month's blog excerpt I wanted to include some of my poetry from over the years and decided to show one I've written about the pain, physical and mental.

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Tuesday 16th May 2017

AMRC membership boosts our investment in research

We at SRUK have been working towards becoming members of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) over the past year and are pleased to announce that our application was accepted at the end of April. This is a great achievement for the charity, as membership is the hallmark of quality research funding and considerably increases the value of grants that we award.

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Friday 12th May 2017

Anticentromere antibodies associated with better outcomes

Organ involvement occurs later in people with diffuse scleroderma and anticentromere antibodies (ACAs).

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